The Myth Behind Drugs And Alcohol In College

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One of the most common myths of drinking in college is “the more I drink, the more fun I will have” From an experienced first year; I’m here to tell you don’t fall into that trap of college drinking and use of drugs. If you believe that everybody drinks in college, you might also believe that everybody does drugs. When if fact that is not true, many decide not to fall under peer pressure, or just ultimately decide that they can have fun without alcohol or drugs. According to the 2013 survey of UCSC students as part of the National Collegiate Health Assessment, 45% of students UCSC students describe themselves as abstainers, infrequent drinkers or light drinkers.
From those students that actually drink 65% have reported to only have 1-4 drinks when going out, up to 98% students have reported to do things to protect themselves when drinking, like mixing non-alcoholic drinks and eating before, during or after drinking to be safe.

Another well-known myth is that mixing a drug like weed after having had a few beers is definitely a great experience, when in fact it has put you in a really wasted state, where you don’t even know what is going on. You must be careful, what you decide to do, and what not to do.

According to the FAU Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, the more alcohol you take the worst your grades will be. When looking at the graph shown above sponsored the FAU, we can see the relationship between the average number of drinks consumed per week and grade point average students would most likely receive. Something that you must take into great consideration is that if you decide to start experimenting with alcohol is that it will affect your grades. When looking at the graph above, we can see the more alcohol you consume determines the grade point average you are most likely to have.

You must also realize that with the consumption of alcohol and other sources of drugs like weed, it will have had a terrible effect on your health both mentally and physically. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH) Alcohol can a have huge toll on many areas of your body factors of your. It affects the brain by interfering with the communications pathway, meaning that a lot of important information does not go through while intoxicated, which can ultimately lead a person to make really stupid and rash decisions like driving drunk for example. All common sense is taken away and impaired by alcohol. Other major portions of the body like the heart and liver are affected which can ultimate in serious issues like heart problems and liver inflammation.

From a first year having gone through a year of college experimenting, I can warn you that messing with alcohol and drugs will affect you physically and mentally. So be ready for the consequences you might face with parents, grades, and maybe even authorities.

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