Stressing About College


There are many high school students that have these worries about college that in away discourages them from wanting to come. One aspect high school students tend to worry about is how they are going to be live on there own without there parents. The thought of being alone scares a lot of  incoming students, not only that but they worry about having a difficult time handling college especially academics, in result college will be so overwhelming they don't believe they can do it.

 Some teens think they are not ready for the college life because they believe they are not going to find their calling for a career and they unsure on what they want to do with their lives and which route they should take. They discourage themselves by thinking they are not smart enough to go to college and that they can not live on their own, however their is indeed support for you when you get to college and you are not alone


Although College may seem like a big step and you are wondering how you will be able to do it, there are programs like Educational Opportunity Programs, Counseling And Psychological Services, and Academic Advising that will always be available for you throughout your college years. From my personal experience before I came to college and while I was attending college, I did not think that I was smart enough to attend College. I had no clue on what I was going to do with my life, and what field I was going to major in, it was stressing me out for awhile because I was assuming everyone in the same college level had the plan on what they were going to do and how they were going to do it. While feeling this way, I felt like I should go speak with someone therefore I went to the Educational Opportunity Program and I walked out feeling like I could achieve many goals in college, the person I talked to made me realize that I have much time and to not force myself into something you don't see yourself doing in the future. Theses people are hear to guide you, motivate you, and let you know that this college chose you for a reason, it was not by mistake, college is difficult not impossible. With these programs it is almost if you have another set of parents with you and let you know you are not alone.

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