Be Careful For Drop Out

We all know that academic in high school is not that hard and is easy to get good grades. Some of the students just graduated from high school have a common idea that getting good grades in college is a little bit harder than in high school. But in my view, this is a  wrong recognition.

 According to the NSC, “Only 39.6 percent of undergrads attended full time during their whole stint in school. They fared well: More than three-quarters of them finished up their degree within six years. On the other hand, the 53 percentof students who attended both full and parttime struggled. One-third had dropped out entirely.” The data shows  that one-third of students got drop out which is almost big part of all college students. Also, the image shows that 28% students drop out because of academic disqualification which shows it’s hard to get good grades in college.

During the college life you have a lot of time to enjoy parties and social activities. So people always can’t arrange their time efficiently. I have some suggestions that you needto use a planner or other organization system. I've had my day-planner for the first year and cannot go anywhere without it. It would help you stay current with due dates/course calendars.

The data and the news made the possibility to get drop out looks so terrible, but I think if you well-arrange your time between study and rest, your college life should be enjoyable and meaningful.

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